On this date, December 12, in 1954, (57 years ago for those of you who are mathematically challenged) two young college students from Tennessee Temple set out on their first date together. They weren’t followed by paparazzi like Prince William and Kate complete with flash bulbs going off to follow their every move. I do however understand that it was the talk of the young woman’s roommates and they hid her clothes and made her wear one of their outfits! It was a simple date to the church there on campus for an anniversary celebration of the school’s Radio Ministry.
He went into the military and was away many months at a time at sea. Letters flew back and forth from the Mediterranean to a town in GA. (Thankfully MANY of those letters still exist.) Apparently, a few bells and whistles went of for both of them because in 1959 they were married. They stayed faithful to each other until the end which included fifty two plus years of marriage.
My brother and I did not know what a privilege we had to be part of a family that stayed together. We just thought that everyone did that until we were older and saw the reality of life. Each year Mama would mention this day to Daddy and they would talk once again about that first date. This is the first year that he is not here and I thought it would just be a nice tribute to remember once again how important that first date can be.
He went into the military and was away many months at a time at sea. Letters flew back and forth from the Mediterranean to a town in GA. (Thankfully MANY of those letters still exist.) Apparently, a few bells and whistles went of for both of them because in 1959 they were married. They stayed faithful to each other until the end which included fifty two plus years of marriage.
My brother and I did not know what a privilege we had to be part of a family that stayed together. We just thought that everyone did that until we were older and saw the reality of life. Each year Mama would mention this day to Daddy and they would talk once again about that first date. This is the first year that he is not here and I thought it would just be a nice tribute to remember once again how important that first date can be.
48th Anniversary
May 12, 2007
Such a sweet remembrance!
Loved the story Jill. I still have the letters that Mom and Dad wrote to each other while he was in the Marines. Would love to publish a book one day filled with the love letters.
Jill is right. We were fortunate to have a great example from our parents of what a marriage should be. It's easy to stay together during the good times but the true test of a marriage is keeping it together during the tough times. When you're younger, you don't see the sacrifices made on your behalf. It's not until you've matured do you really understand what a thankless job being a parent really is. I see the blessings that have come forth from that first date and I am thankful to God for bringing them together.
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