Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The Old Shoe Box

You know that old shoe box you have in the top of your closet- the one with all those old notes and letters from middle, high school, and college days? Yeah, THOSE notes! I’ve looked up there for years and said to myself:

“Self, you need to go through those and see what’s in there. Do you really want your kids reading all of those when you die? There may be a few you and your friends may want  thrown away!”

Self said, “There are tons of notes in there and I don’t really want to have to sit and read all of those.”

Well, 'self' lost and a few days ago I began the task.

It was fun at first to read all those silly notes we would pass between class and maybe even IN class. (Never me though because I was perfect) lol!

You know the notes…She likes him THIS week and the following week or DAY, she likes the one sitting next to him. After reading a few, I realized most of us were real ‘drama queens’ and can’t say much to our kids or grandkids about being one. Others talked about who would show up for skating on Friday night. That was the “in” thing in Pensacola in the ‘70s. Yes, every Friday night this crazy 'blind' girl took her life in her hands and joined hundreds of others on Mr. Vic’s speedway, and waited for that magical “couples skate” time.

Of course there were the very important notes asking, “What are you wearing?” or SOME even talked about how cute certain teachers were!

One or two had tear stains still imprinted on the paper from dear friends whose families were in turmoil and they just needed a friend to talk to about it. Others had made mistakes they would carry with them for the rest of their lives, but were making fresh starts and asking the Lord to forgive the past. Just like today, there was also the pressure of drugs and alcohol.

Hey, that was just the “middle school” notes! We hadn’t even reached the much deeper issues that hit in the high school years. I wish I could say that I’m kidding.  I have lost touch with many of those friends, but I have also kept in touch with quite a few of them, and know they still have my back as I do theirs.

By the time I finished high school notes and continued on the college letters, I was feeling ill about all of the broken promises I had made to God, family, and friends. (I have some of ‘my’ letters I wrote to others)

It truly did depress me beyond words. God’s forgiveness had been given, but the memories were still there, and I’m sure it’s that way for many of you also. I had to remind myself once more that God’s grace is bigger than any sin we can ever imagine and when the past is thrown in your face, just remember to run to Him because He defeated your past and future sins at the cross.