Saturday, December 31, 2011

God Is Good

I have learned many things in this past year. On first thought, these last twelve months have been the toughest of my life because of the loss of several family members. Each loss has changed me. A part of me seemed to die with them. If I dwell on these feelings, it becomes depressing. I know each one of them are in the arms of our Lord and that DOES give me such peace, but it does’t replace having them here. Going through the first Christmas without them was something that I dreaded and just wanted over. (Just being honest here) I know that MANY friends were praying for my family during these weeks. God gave us the grace to get through them. Thank you for all of your prayers!
On this last day of 2011 the emotions are so mixed, but a quote keep going over and over in my mind. A previous worship leader in our church would say, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!”. This is so true through the tough and easy times.
It has been MANY years since I have even thought about doing a New Years Resolution, but this year I asked the Lord to lay one on my heart, and as clear as day He answered, “Know Me more”. Simple answer, but hard at times to remember to follow.
Wishing a Happy New Year to all of my family and friends!

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas week finds many friends and family finishing up their shopping, wrapping, baking, and getting fatter with each cookie and piece of chocolate! There is always ONE more gift we have to buy and keep our “testimony” as we stand in line to pay.
It has also been a very tough week for many others. One friend’s mom is recovering from a fall, two cousins have grandchildren in separate hospitals in Birmingham in serious condition, one friend’s mom has just been put back in the hospital because her cancer has returned, and one cousin’s mom will be celebrating her second Christmas in a hospital in GA. The loss of loved ones seem to leave us unsure of how to celebrate withouth them. The list goes on and on, and I haven’t even mentioned the stress on families with complicated dynamic problems who will come together and silently pray through the day that nothing will be said to hurt someone’s feelings.
During these tough times it IS hard to focus on the birth of Jesus and STAY focused on Him. When you include Jesus in your celebration, the true meaning of Christmas will shine it's light to all those you love and care about. Don't be afraid to say Merry Christmas! It is Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

First Date

On this date, December 12, in 1954, (57 years ago for those of you who are mathematically challenged) two young college students from Tennessee Temple set out on their first date together. They weren’t followed by paparazzi like Prince William and Kate complete with flash bulbs going off to follow their every move. I do however understand that it was the talk of the young woman’s roommates and they hid her clothes and made her wear one of their outfits! It was a simple date to the church there on campus for an anniversary celebration of the school’s Radio Ministry.
He went into the military and was away many months at a time at sea. Letters flew back and forth from the Mediterranean to a town in GA. (Thankfully MANY of those letters still exist.) Apparently, a few bells and whistles went of for both of them because in 1959 they were married. They stayed faithful to each other until the end which included fifty two plus years of marriage.
My brother and I did not know what a privilege we had to be part of a family that stayed together. We just thought that everyone did that until we were older and saw the reality of life. Each year Mama would mention this day to Daddy and they would talk once again about that first date. This is the first year that he is not here and I thought it would just be a nice tribute to remember once again how important that first date can be.

48th Anniversary

May 12, 2007