Monday, September 26, 2011

Have You Ever Had One Of Those Moments?

Have you ever had a "If those were MY kids…” moment? The other day a child was standing up about to fling himself head first into the concrete and mom says…” You need to think about sitting down before you fall.” I can feel my blood pressure beginning to rise, as I think about all the stupidity in that statement. You need to THINK about it? Really, a two year old is going to THINK this process through…..If I don’t sit down, I will fall and crack my head open and will be rushed to the ER and might die. I don’t care HOW smart you think little Johnny is….he’s not quite there yet MOM!
Sitting in a restaurant a few months back was rather tough for me also. My hearing is very good since my eye sight is not, and I can hear four or five conversations going on at a time without trying. I find it more of a curse than a blessing at times. Two ladies at the booth behind me were discussing, rather loudly actually, one of their teen.
Parent One says: “I want to be my daughter’s best friend, and buddy up with her friends. I think it’s cool to relive my teens again.”
Parent Two says: “That sounds so cool. I think they would love us more if we were more like them!”
As I sat across from my husband and my eyes begin to get bigger and bigger. He knows me well enough to know what’s going on. It took every bit of common sense, and Christian character I had not to stand up in my booth and scream. “YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR TEENS FRIEND, THEY HAVE PLENTY OF THEM! BE A PARENT WHEN THEY ARE CHILDREN AND TEENS AND WHEN THEY ARE GROWN, THEY WILL BE ONE OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS!”

Parents, please grow a backbone and be responsible parents. Your kids need to be able to respect you.

Our youngest is living with us while in college The rules have changed now that he is an adult, but some haven’t. If he choose to ignore these rules, he knows where the door is. We have had no problems as of yet with our guest ;)

The Rules For Living In Our Home Are:
1. No drinking
2. No smoking
3. No drugs
4. No sex outside of marriage.
5. Must be involved in a good local church.
6. Don’t care when you come home, but please let us know where you are out of courtesy (see rules 1-4 for what is not allowed)

I know you are wondering why I expect so much from my family, and the answer is I am just asking them to do what the Lord would ask them to do. Are these rules really followed and the answer is YES!

Was I the perfect parent? NO…, I haven’t met anyone that was perfect either, but a little sense and Biblical teaching goes a LONG way in helping.

"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." Chuck Swindoll

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