She accepted the Lord as her Savior when a friend invited her to church. Her friend from Rome, Georgia puts it this way, “Shirley was as pure as the driven snow.” In other words, she stayed out of trouble.
After high school she went to Tennessee Temple University where she met my daddy. I have so enjoyed reading their “love story” in letters. She had kept all of them since 1956. She and Daddy were married in 1959 and have never even considered divorce. Murder maybe, no, just kidding .

Memories of my mother’s love and care are too many to name. Some of the most vivid though are taking time each night to tuck me into bed and say my prayers with me and getting up each morning with my brother and me to make sure we ate breakfast. She always put our needs before her free time or her career. Although she did work full time so we could go to Pensacola Christian, she never complained. She tells me stories of dropping us off at school on mornings when I didn’t want to go and got out of the car crying. She said she would then cry all the way to work because she was sad for me. She also cried all the way to work when she would have to leave us with babysitters because she wanted to stay home with us.
She was at every PTA or PTM meeting, every play, every program, and every piano recital.
When times were hard for me in school she would encourage me. From shucking corn on the back porch to our family trip to California, she taught me life lessons along the way. She invested time in my life that I could never repay.
The most important thing my mother ever did was take me to church every Sunday to worship and learn about the Lord. I don’t think I would have survived some of the things in my life if she hadn’t taught me to trust in the Lord for everything.
When I strayed away from the Lord, it was my Mama who was on her knees praying and helped bring me back to Him.
Lately I have admired her as she has become my father’s caregiver. It is a part of her life she would have never wished for, but she takes care of him with such love. Next week they will be married for 51 years! When I asked Daddy how many years this will be for them, he said 10. My Mama is going through this with a grace and dignity that inspires me.
I know there are many great mothers out there, but to me, my Mama is the GREATEST. I love you Mama! Happy Mother's Day
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