Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Adventures At The Bank

I needed to retrieve something yesterday from my safe deposit box at a bank that I hadn’t been to in a while. (This will be an important fact in a moment.) It was a rainy day and mom was driving, and she asked if I needed any help. I said no because as long as I’m a little familiar with my surroundings, I can ‘fake’ being legally blind very well.

I entered the bank, and stepped in line. I always watch closely when I’m next so I can tell which teller’s counter becomes available. I can’t see the teller, just the customer walking away and the empty spot and no one is usually the wiser about my sight. Well, my mind wondered for a moment, and…..yep, SOMEONE..... SOMEWHERE said, “Next”. Ever had that moment when you feel like a deer in headlights? That was my look I guess. I’m now squinting….which if you have ever seen me do this; it looks like I’m MAD! She says again, “Next”, I then start walking….I don’t know WHERE mind you, but I figure I should at least head toward the teller’s counter. First little cubby- no lady, I’m then a little flustered. (Ok, a lot flustered!) I step over to the next cubby and that is the winner, but instead of looking pleased to see me…umm…she looked a little bewildered and frightened of me. You know the moment when you think that they have probably pushed the silent alarm under the counter for the police? No? You need to come with me sometime then.

I deposit a check and tell her that I need to get into my safe deposit box. As I’m telling her this, I look to my left and the guard that you hardly ever see is standing next to me. She then announces that I need to get to my box, and another person walks up now to “help” me. LOL! I knew what they must be thinking, but kept to the task at hand. I just wanted a piece of paper, NOT to rob the bank! I walked into the vault while feeling several sets of eyes glued to me. When I returned to the main floor, a friend that works at the bank saw me and came to give me a hug. I wanted to say, “SEE, I have friends, and am NOT A THIEF!” I'm sure all of you are getting a little laugh just sitting there and trying to imagine this blind as a bat blonde even attempting such a thing.

No, I wasn’t angry with them. I’m sure in this day and time that you can never be too careful. I just need to learn to SMILE when I squint.

Many people who read this have children with eye conditions or you yourself have one. I’m not writing this to depress you or make you want to stay home instead of going out in public. Sometimes things just happen, and it's much better if you learn to laugh at yourself and go on with life.

Monday, November 26, 2012


November is what? Almost GONE? ALREADY? I’ve just begun to write 2012 correctly. One great gift this month was the prompting of my friend, Laurel, to count my blessing in a unique way each day on Facebook. I tried to be faithful in doing this until I left on vacation and returned to get ready for Thanksgiving company. Thank you for the idea!

I’m learning that holidays will never be the same after losing family members. Last year I was pretty self-absorbed in my pity without Daddy or Papa being there with us. This year my goal was to look outside of myself and took the plunge to have dinner at OUR home instead of moms.
At 14 people and counting….A few days before Thanksgiving, I was on a short vacation to the beach courtesy of my daughter (isn’t it fun when they have a career and money to take YOU on vacation) when my son called and said,”Our UWF international group needs a few more homes for Thanksgiving dinner….” (There was silence on both ends as I’m counting up people in my head and thinking YIKES) He continues, “ we have anymore room for a couple more? I said yes, and so thankful that I did!

If you’ve never hosted foreign exchange students in your home, you have missed out! This was our second time, and what fun we had learning about each other's culture. We learned that the word ‘cranberry’ was hard to translate in mandarin. Football took on a different perspective for the guys in our family as they tried to explain to our new friends how it was played. Something all of the guys had in common was the discussion of ‘cars’! Mashed potatoes were a big hit as they had never tasted them before. All I could think about was, “These guys are so use to eating healthy and the only healthy food on the buffet was turkey and some fresh vegetables.” Everything else was oh so yummy, but I’m guessing not on a heart healthy diet.  We so enjoyed having our guests from China!

All this to say that God is so good and He knows what we need before we even have a clue.